Installation Guide

  1. Install the plugin from the WordPress website
  2. Upon purchasing the plugin you will receive a purchase receipt via email which has the download link and the activation code.
  3. Click the download link to save the plugin’s zip file and then copy the activation key
  4. Log in to your website’s admin dashboard and go to the plugin’s page.

If you already have the free version installed, you will have to deactivate it before going to the next step. Your settings will be saved and will show up after you install the pro plugin. If you don’t have the free plugin installed, skip this step.

  1. Click “Add New” then, upload plugin
  2. Choose the file and select the zip file that you downloaded in Step #3.
  3. Click install now.
  4. Activate the plugin and go to the WP Google Analytics Settings page.

To activate your license, paste the activation key, click save, and then click the activate button.

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