You spent so much time on your content, SEO, and set up related links. You bought a well-designed theme,...
Today we released version 2.2.9 of the plugin and added new placeholders you can use in event data. $$REFERRER$$...
If you’re like a lot of webmasters I’ve met, you have at least a basic understanding of website analytics....
WP Google Analytics Events Pro Version 2.2.4 is out and here is what you need to know. UI Changes...
Ever wished that you could track outbound link clicks on WordPress and have the data show up right in...
Advanced Mode is the newest feature of our plugin, WP Google Analytics Events Pro, is out today, and I...
Ninja Forms is one of the popular form integration plugins for WordPress. It has many extensions and at the...
How To Monitor Website Performance Using Google Analytics
Yuval, , Analytics, Blog, Howto, Performance, Google Analytics, performance, site speed, 3Page speed is one of the most important factors in SEO and user experience. Using this guideline, one of...