Today we released version 2.2.9 of the plugin and added new placeholders you can use in event data.
The first placeholder will add the referrer URL, meaning the previous page or website the user was on before landing on the page.
It could be useful to map out top performing inbound links to your landing page and see which sources resulted in users performing an action like subscribe to your newsletter.
In the above example, you can click track the submit button and use the referrer in the category, action or label fields of the event.
Note that if the visitor opened the page directly, the referrer will default to the current page name.
$$ATTR_ Custom HTML Attributes
The second placeholder that we added can be customized to use any HTML attribute the click or scroll event element has.
A couple possible examples:
$$ATTR_SRC$$” – Can be used to include an image src (source).
$$ATTR_DATA-ACTION$$ – Will include the data-action attribute